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Quill, Writing with Ink Well

Here are some helpful tips for you on how to get autographs

Whenever you write a letter you MUST be polite.Start by telling who you are and why your writing the player a letter.You should even try sucking up a little.This way the player makes more of an effort to sign.When you write to the person try to know something about them that way you have something to write about.You should also keep it short.If you decide to send a shiny card you should use baby powder or gently rub an eraser on the card to avoid smudging. Always enclose the letter with a self adressed stamped envelope.You should NOT!! send rare inserts or rc cards because you might not get it back also the rc card decreases in value.You should also protect your card by sending it in a top loader.When your ready to send send 2 cards try not to send any more.The player might not want to sign 4 or 5 cards. You should send 8x10's or DonRuss Studio cards they make great memorabilia!
Good Luck With Your Letters!